Farallone View PTO

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$15,000 Goal

Filling Gaps in Education Funding

The Friends of Farallone View Parent Teacher Organization supplements the school's existing budget and fills gaps that are not federally or state funded. We provide enrichment programs like science (TK - 4th), performing arts (TK - 5th) and PE (TK - 3rd) for Farallone View students, covering 100% of the cost of teacher salaries and supplies for these programs. This year, we are also raising funds to purchase new picnic tables for our campus. Our goal is to purchase 10 picnic tables from the Advanced Building Trades & Construction students at Half Moon Bay High School. Farallone View students, teachers and staff will have expanded outdoor learning spaces and our purchase supports programs for the high school students who will build the tables.

About Us

The Friends of Farallone View Parent Teacher Organization's (FOFPTO) mission is to enrich the educational experience of children at Farallone View Elementary School and foster a sense of community. We are a group of parent volunteers dedicated to providing the best possible experience to Farallone View students, teachers and staff. 

We fund a variety of enrichment programs for students including science and physical education classes, along with special programs in the performing arts like opera and the annual Farallone View talent show. The largest portion of our operating budget goes directly to teacher and staff salaries for these programs. Other student enrichment opportunities funded and managed by the PTO include school assemblies. We organize book swaps and support school events like Continent Day and March Reading Madness. We present Oceans Week annually, a week-long event that combines hands-on science activities, the arts, and a strong focus on sustainability. Oceans Week concludes with the annual “recycled art show,” in which students create ocean animals from recycled materials and then add them to a large school wide art installation. 


Our child is thriving at Farallone View, not only because of the awesome principal, teachers and staff, but also thanks to the enrichment opportunities provided by the PTO. He is deeply passionate about science thanks to his weekly science class. He’s inspired by events like the school opera, the spelling bee, the Lion Dancer assembly and Oceans Week. He loves being in the outdoor classroom gardening and studying nature. He often tells us, “I love school,” and the efforts of the PTO have done a great deal to foster and sustain that love. 

- Kristi & Bill Hollars


The Friends of Farallone Parent Teacher Organization's (FOFPTO) mission is to enrich the educational experience of children at Farallone View Elementary School and foster a sense of community.


Funding for enrichment programs and new picnic tables

Organization Data


Organization name

Farallone View PTO

Tax id (EIN)


Organization Category


Operating Budget

$100,001 - $250,000


1100 Le Conte Ave
Montara, CA 94037



Social Media