Nonprofit California Compliance


The Mavericks Community Foundation is legally required to ensure that all organizations participating in Coastside Gives are in compliance and good standing with the Internal Revenue Service, the California Department of Justice, and the California Franchise Tax Board. Below are links that help you check your status with each and, if necessary, direct you how to resolve any issues.

It's important to keep an eye on your organization's legal status with these various government entities. You can check your organization's status online using each entity's databases.

When searching for your organization on these government databases, depending on the site, you will need to use your organization’s legal name (the name you put on your tax documents), your Tax ID/Employment Identification Number (EIN) assigned to you by the IRS, or your organization's Entity ID assigned to you by the California Secretary of State.


Internal Revenue Service

To check whether your nonprofit is in good standing with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS):

  1. Visit the IRS's Tax Exempt Organization Search page.
  2. Search by your organization’s legal name or EIN.
  3. Verify your Publication 78 Data section states “Yes.”

If your organization's tax-exempt status has been revoked:


California Department of Justice

To check your nonprofit's status with the California Department of Justice (DOJ):

  1. Visit the California Attorney General's Registry of Charities and Fundraisers Search Tool page.
  2. Search by your organization’s legal name or EIN.
  3. Verify your registration status is Current.

If your organization has a status of “Not Registered” or is not listed on the website:

  • We advise you to register with the California DOJ as soon as possible, unless you are otherwise exempt. Find resources on to how to register on their website here.
  • All charitable organizations that engage in soliciting donations in the state of California are required to register with the California DOJ within 30 days of receiving their first donation. The agency may grant exceptions for hospitals, educational institutions, or religious organizations.

If your organization is listed as “Delinquent,” “Suspended,” or “Revoked” on the California Attorney General Registry of Charities and Fundraisers: 

  1. Open your organization’s charity registration record by clicking on your organization’s name. You can review your past filings to identify where there might be an issue.
  2. Reach out directly to the California Attorney General’s Delinquency Program to resolve the issue. The California DOJ provides additional resources on how to resolve delinquency.


California Franchise Tax Board

To check your nonprofit's status with the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB):

  1. Visit the California FTB's Self Serve Entity Status Letter page.
  2. Search by organization legal name or Entity ID. 
  3. Verify that your entity status is “Active.” If your status is “Revived,” that will also suffice.

If your status is not “Active” or “Revived”:

  1. Visit the California FTB's Charities and Nonprofits page.
  2. Follow the directions under the “Apply for or reinstate your tax exemption” section.

Please note that it may take several months for the California FTB to process your documents


Unfortunately, the Mavericks Community Foundation is unable to help organizations remedy their delinquency statuses and has no influence with the California Attorney General’s Office, the California Franchise Tax Board, or the Internal Revenue Service. You will need to reach out directly to appropriate agency to resolve any existing issues.

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